00.12.21 ☁︎ London
Justinien will work with We Made That for the Greater London Authority, on updating and developing their cultural infrastructure data and impact.
00.12.21 ☁︎ online
Launch of “Que s'étirent nos racines” curated by Justinien, an online programme on Instagram proposed by the Jeu de Paume museum via their digital platform @JeudePaumeLab. Each month since March, the Jeu de Paume has invited a curator to present the works of four artists they've selected, in an explore of the new meanings of “distances”. Justinien have invited David De Beyter, Tabita Rezaire, Ilanit Illouz and Marvin Bonheur to contribute.
00.11.21 ☁︎ Lille
Laureate of Mondes Nouveaux in a collective created for this purpose and formed of Cécile Trémolières, Caroline Fodor, Alt174 Architecture and Justinien. The project called Jachères, which means fallow lands, will explore the urban brownfields and greenfields of the North of France and will be developed throughout 2022 and 2023.
Publication of “Out of the Woodwork” in the October issue of The Architectural Review named “Tree”. A review of the timber building designed by Mars Architectes in Paris.
02.10.21 ☁︎ Paris
Curated by Anabelle Lacroix and Justinien Tribillon for Flaneur, “Infinite Loop” is a week-long exploratory sound residence with artists Nicolas Montgermont, Nadine Schütz, Méryll Ampe, and pali meursault at La Station. “Infinite Loop” explored the role of the Boulevard Périphérique in our imagination as a noisemaker, and culminated in an event for the Paris Nuit Blanche at La Station on 2 October. A recording of the programme that went continued throughout the night is available on Station Station's website, the community radio of La Station.
03.08.21 ☁︎ New York City
Guest critic on Marco Ferrari's Summer Studio, “A New American Index” at Columbia GSAPP, Advanced Architectural Design programme.
06.21 ☁︎ Paris
Justinien will be one of four curating editors for the upcoming issue of Flaneur. Based in Berlin, Flaneur is a nomadic, independent magazine focussing on one street per issue. Their ninth volume will be dedicated to the Boulevard Périphérique of Paris. Justinien will work with curating editors Anabelle Lacroix, Heryte Tequame and Alix Hugonnier.
22.05.21 ☁︎ Venice
Opening of the 17th Biennale of Architecture with Justinien's participation Welcome to Borderland, a celebration of plant migrations, their hybridity and resistance. A mixed-media installation, Welcome to Borderland is on show in Central Pavilion, Giardini until November 21st. The 17th Biennale of Architecture, How Will We Live Together? is curated by Hashim Sarkis.
07.05.21 ☁︎ Geneva
Participation to Archipelago: Architectures for the multiverse, in a panel with Charlotte Truwant, Daniel Zamarbide and moderated by Meriem Chabani.
01.05.21 ☁︎ Marseille
Publication of Urban Backstages Fieldwork Journal: Marseille, co-written with Fani Kostourou, Cecily Chua, Elahe Karimnia and John Bingham-Hall, for the project Urban Backstage by Theatrum Mundi.
00.01.21 ☁︎ Paris
From January until July 2021, Justinien will join the Centre de Sociologie de l'Innovation, Mines ParisTech, as visiting PhD.
Publication of “L’essor de la notion de cultural infrastructure urbaine”, co-written with John Bingham-Hall, in academic journal Journal des Anthropologues.
24.11.20 ☁︎ London
Publication of It's a work in progress, co-written with Elahe Karimnia and John Bingham-Hall, for Theatrum Mundi. A short bilingual publication in English and French exploring selected case studies doing urbanism differently in Glasgow and Marseille, including Civic House and Coco Velten.
20.11.20 ☁︎ Copenhagen
Talk on Migrant Journal for the Festival for nye medier [Festival for new media].
2.11.20 ☁︎ London
Talk to the students of the BA (Hons) Magazine Journalism and Publishing, London College of Communication (University of the Arts London).
26.10.20 ☁︎ Luxembourg
The interdisciplinary team led by TVK, to which Justinien participate, is selected for the phase 1 of the international consultation Luxembourg in Transition – Spatial visions for the low-carbon and sustainable future of the Luxembourg functional region, launched by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
24.09.20 ☁︎ Cerisy
Participation to the week-long conference Angles Morts du Numérique curated by Yves Citton, Marie Lechner, Francis Jutand, Anthony Masure, Vanessa Nurock and Olivier Lecointe with a talk on “dumb cities”.
6.07.20 ☁︎ online
Charing of panel “The City's Rural Idyll” in the conference Urban Nostalgia: The Musical City in the 19th and 20th Centuries organised by Lola San Martín Arbide at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS).
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the conference will take place online.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the conference will take place online.
☁︎ Arles
Curation with Isabel Seiffert and Christoph Miler (Offshore Studio) of a photography exhibition Infrastructure — Visible upon Breakdown for the 51st edition of the Arles photography festival. The exhibition features the works of Eline Benjaminsen, Sim Chi Yin, Matthieu Gafsou, Etienne Malapert, Lise Straatsma, Katrin Streicher, Salvatore Vitale.
The festival was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The festival was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
☁︎ Venice
Invited by curator Hashim Sarkis, participation to the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2020 with a Research Station in Giardini's main pavilion critically reflecting on the themes of “How will we live together?”. Justinien's participation is funded by The Bartlett, Faculty of the Built Environment, UCL.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Biennale is postponed and rescheduled to 2021.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Biennale is postponed and rescheduled to 2021.
Publication of an essay titled “Tourist Trap” in the May issue of The Architectural Review.
Publication of an essay “The Value of Culture in Austerity Britain” on Theatrum Mundi's publishing platform.
☁︎ London
Participation to the fourteenth annual doctoral conference of the Bartlett School of Architecture with a presentation of ongoing research on the Boulevard Périphérique of Paris.
☁︎ London
With Marta Michalowska, curation of a three-day conference Concrete & Ink: Storytelling and the Future of Visionnary Architecture held at Whitechapel Gallery.
☁︎ Paris
Talk on cultural infrastructure at symposium State of the arts: Towards a new cultural policy for the digital age co-organised by the Gaîté Lyrique and the University of the Arts, ZHdK, Zurich.
☁︎ Paris
Chairing roundtable at ENSAD conference Faire Projet, Faire Ensemble.
☁︎ Paris
Organisation of the symposium Sonic Urbanism: The Political Voice with a keynote by Saskia Sassen.
☁︎ Amsterdam
Panellist for Publishing in Architecture, alongside Pia Pol of Valiz and Marcel Witvoet of nai010, hosted by the Printing Plant Art Book Fair and moderated by Francisco Moura Veiga, Philipp Möckli and Max Frischknecht.
Awarded a research grant as Art Critic and Theoretician by the French Centre for Fine Arts for a new project looking at the iconography of the Boulevard Périphérique and the relationship of industrial photographer with engineers.
☁︎ Riga
Talk at Architecture of Migration, a conference by the Latvian Institute of Architects. The recorded talk is available here.
Justinien appointed Associate Director for Europe at Theatrum Mundi following the creation of the Paris's office.
☁︎ Manchester
Participation to Infrastructural futures across cities of the global north, an international workshop funded by The University of Manchester, the University of Toronto and the Urban Studies Foundation, with a paper on Paris's Boulevard Peripherique.
☁︎ Rotterdam
Publication of Cities of Comings and Goings, edited by Crimson and published by nai010 where Justinien contributed a chapter on the history of London's urbanism in relation to migration.
Launch in Rotterdam with a talk by Justinien and response by Floris Alkemade, Dutch Chief Government Architect.
Launch in Rotterdam with a talk by Justinien and response by Floris Alkemade, Dutch Chief Government Architect.
☁︎ London
Curator of Foreign Agents: Music and Migration with Dámaso Randulfe and Migrant Journal at the Design Museum.
13.06.19 ☁︎ London
Talk at MagCulture, part of their series MagCulture Meets.
10.06.19 ☁︎ Prague
For Theatrum Mundi, curator with Marta Michalowska of events “The Stage and the City: Collaborative Reflection on Spatial Design for Cities and Performance” at PQ19 and “The Architect as Puppeteer” at VI PER Gallery.
05.06.19 ☁︎ Amsterdam
Launch of Migrant Journal No. 6 FOREIGN AGENTS at Athenaeum Boekhandel.
Release of Migrant Journal No. 6 FOREIGN AGENT.
24.05.19 ☁︎ Paris
16.04.19 ☁︎ London
Organisation at The Bartlett, UCL of the academic conference Historical Perspectives on Urban Infrastructure with Enora Robin and presentation of ongoing research on the etymology and epistemology of the concept of infrastructure.
28.03.19 ☁︎ Paris
Guest lecture at Columbia University as part of Jacob Simpson’s module in the NY/Paris Program.
18.03.19 ☁︎ Milan
Talk in Milan for the French Section Case Study Day Nature and Plants: On design & systems, from history to experimentation.
08.03.19 ☁︎ London
Talk at Tate Britain, part of This is No Longer That Space curated by The Showroom and the Royal College of Art. Other presenters included Prof. Gurminder Bhambra and artist Oliver Ressler. The panel was chaired by curator Elvira Dyangani Ose.
Publication of “A mirage of luxury built on sand” for Magnum, a review of Sim Chi Yin’s new work.
01.03.19 ☁︎ Milan
Presentation to the Broken Nature symposium curated by Paola Antonelli. Justinien participated to the panel moderated by curator Ala Tannir, alongside Eyal Weizman of Forensic Architecture and designer Irene Stracuzzi.
Republication of “413 Grammes” translated in French as part of Design. De la nature à l’environnement. Nouvelles Définitions. published by T&P Work Unit. And republication of Justinien’s translation of Henri Lefebvre, “The Valley of Campan”, published initially in Migrant Journal No. 1 ACROSS COUNTRY in Extended French Theory & The Design Field... On Nature and Ecology. A Reader edited by Catherine Geel and Clément Gaillard.
Migrant Journal selected by ICON magazine as one of “100 talents to watch in the world of design”.
00.03.19 ☁︎ Milan
Migrant Journal selected by curator Catherine Geel to be one of nine projects featured by the French Section at the XXII Triennale de Milano. Titled “Broken Nature”, the Triennale is curated by Paola Antonelli.
08.02.19 ☁︎ Arles
Winner of the Exhibition Research & Production Fellowship by the Recontres de la Photographie d’Arles for the project “Visible Upon Breakdown” proposed with Offshore Studio.
01.12.18 ☁︎ London
Paper presentation on the Boulevard Périphérique at the Royal College of Art, School of Architecture, part of symposium Spatialised Governmentality: China and the Global Context.
17.11.18 ☁︎ Mexico Ciudad
Talk titled When the Empires Collapse at Proyector gallery on the architecture of colonialism in London and Paris. And publication of an eponymous essay in English and Spanish, in the exhibition catalogue Sobre la Linea: la frontera vertical distribuida. The exhibition is curated by Tania Tovar Torres, Juan Carlos Espinosa Cuock et Pedro Ceñal Murga.
09.11.18 ☁︎ Paris
07.11.18 ☁︎ Milan
Publication of “413 Grammes” for Broken Nature.
05.11.18 ☁︎ London
Talk at Tate Modern for the launch of Migrant Journal No. 5 MICRO ODYSSEYS with artists Crystal Bennes and Bethany Rigby.
Release of Migrant Journal No. 5 MICRO ODYSSEYS.
20.10.18 ☁︎ Brussels
16.10.18 ☁︎ London
Presentation on magazine publishing for the students of the MA in Magazine Journalism of City University London.
09.10.18 ☁︎ London
Panellist on “The Future of Cities” at the Creative Industries Federation International Summit alongside Alice Black, director of the Design Museum, and Hannah Barry, founder of Bold Tendencies.
00.10.18 ☁︎ London
Tutor in the MArch : Architecture at Central Saint Martins with John Bingham-Hall and unit leader Jayden Ali.
12.09.18 ☁︎ London
Migrant Journal shortlisted for the Beazley Design of the Year Award by the Design Museum. The collection is exhibited at the Design Museum.
05.09.18 ☁︎ Malta
John Bingham-Hall and Justinien will present a paper titled “Culture and Structure: A Parallel Exploration of the Notion of ‘Infrastructure’ and ‘Culture’ in the English Language and Planning Ideology” at the 10th midterm Conference of the European Research Networks Sociology of the Arts & Sociology of Culture at the University of Malta.
23.07.18 ☁︎ Edinburgh
For Theatrum Mundi, workshop on cultural infrastructure with Assemble (Amica Dall, Giles Smith), We Made That (Melissa Meyer) and Theatrum Mundi (John Bingham-Hall, Justinien Tribillon) at the Edinburgh Culture Summit, part of the Edinburgh International Festival.
21.06.18 ☁︎ London
Talk titled “Paris concrete belt: rampart or connector?” at the Future of London annual conference.
19.06.18 ☁︎ Milan
Short video contribution to the public symposium of the XXII Triennale di Milano Broken Nature: Design Takes on Human Survival.
14.06.18 ☁︎ Zurich
Launch event of Migrant Journal No. 4, in dicussion with Christoph Miler and Isabel Seiffert of Offshore Studio at Kosmos, in Zurich.
Release of Migrant Journal No. 4 DARK MATTERS.
01.06.18 ☁︎ New York
At MoMA PS1, in discussion with LinYee Yuan, Lluis Alexandre Casanovas Blanco and Isabel Seiffert for the launch of Migrant Journal No. 4 DARK MATTERS.
30.05.18 ☁︎ New York
Talk with Isabel Seiffert at ModMag New York Edition organised by MagCulture and the New School, Parsons School of Design.
25.05.18 ☁︎ Venice
Panellist for “No Place like Home” at the British Pavilion's ISLAND programme, for the preview of the 2018 Venice Biennale of Architecture.
00.05.18 ☁︎ London
Release of “Grand Ensemble”, a short essay written for Failed States Issue 2: Suburb published and edited by Jamie Atherton.
27.04.18 ☁︎ Mexico Ciudad
Presentation of Migrant Journal at Casa Bosques in Mexico City.
22.03.18 ☁︎ Paris
Discussion around Migrant Journal with research collective Avalanche (composed of TVK, KH Studio, Anyoji Beltrando) at Parisian bookshop Volume.
21.02.18 ☁︎ London
Guest critique for the mid-term crit of the MSc Space Syntax Architecture and Cities, Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL.
30.01.18 ☁︎ London
Speaking at Stack event entitled Can independent magazines make a difference? for Migrant Journal. Podcast available here.
Publication of my latest piece for The Guardian A walking cure for Sarcellitis: can trails unite Paris's city and suburbs?
00.12.17 ☁︎ London
Release of Small Change, Big Impact co-produced with Architecture 00 and Studio Weave for Transport for London. The report and toolkit provide case studies and practical solutions to co-produce public spaces for London, with a strong focus on citizen-led initiatives.
26.11.17 ☁︎ London
Chairing a discussion on music and migration at the Institute for Contemporary Arts for Theatrum Mundi.
Joined Theatrum Mundi as a researcher. Theatrum Mundi is an independent urban research centre based in London, organising events and devising research across Europe and gobally, in order to stimulate a discussion between city makers, researchers and artists.
02.11.17 ☁︎ London
Speaking at Modern Magazine 2017 with Isabel Seiffert of Offshore Studio/Migrant Journal.
Release of Migrant Journal No. 3 FLOWING GROUNDS.
12.10.17 ☁︎ Paris
Speaking at Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme on producing the Paris’s Banlieue, at the Global Cities Seminar chaired by Saskia Sassen.
01.10.17 ☁︎ London
Started teaching the graduate module Cities and Social Change.
25.08.17 ☁︎ Hamburg
For Migrant Journal, in discussion with Jeremie Leslie at Indiecon.
20.06.17 ☁︎ Amsterdam
For Migrant Journal, in discussion with Steve Watson at Athenaeum Nieuwscentrum, also available as podcast.
18.06.17 ☁︎ Amsterdam
Talk, London a city of comings and goings at the International Social Housing Festival.
07.06.17 ☁︎ Vienna
Presenting Migrant Journal at Salon für Kunstbuch, 21er Haus.
Release of Migrant Journal No. 2 WIRED CAPITAL.
16.05.17 ☁︎ Tunis
Introducing Migrant Journal and participation to panel “Art and migration” at Jaou Festival in Tunisia.
20.04.17 ☁︎ Paris
Leading a walk in Pantin, followed by a participation to a panel on the local in the Greater Paris moderated by Jean Lebrun, organised by La Toile Blanche.
Release of “New Life in the Kingdom of Death” for The Guardian, looking at Paris’ abandoned network of underground quarries. Translated and republished in French by Courrier International and in Hebrew by Haaretz.
10.01.17 ☁︎ London
In the Spring term, started teaching graduate module Contemporary Cities and postgraduate module Urban Design: Guidance, Incentive and Control.
00.01.17 ☁︎ London
Commissioned by Transport for London, in a project led by Architecture 00 and Studio Weave, to co-author a toolkit for tactical urbanism for London.
01.10.16 ☁︎ London
Started teaching at UCL Bartlett School of Planning, postgraduate modules City Planning and Comparative Planning Systems and Cultures.
Release of Migrant Journal No. 1 ACROSS COUNTRY.
Release of Eurocities 30-year publication, including an essay by Justinien entitled “Rocking the Austerity Boat”.
Started a PhD research at University College London on the socio-spatial divide between Paris proper and the ‘Banlieue’.
20.09.16 ☁︎ London
Talk at “Refugee, the Subaltern, and Urban Space”, curated by Resolve and UCL Urban Lab, part of the Brixton trail of the London Design Week.
Release of “How nature turned a failed communist plan into Bucharest's unique urban park” written for The Guardian, looking at a derelict infrastructure turned wildlife reserve in Bucharest, Romania.